I was a little girl in Ghana when I first became fascinated with the art and artistry of beadmaking. I saw the men and women who created these timeless works of art, with their myriad colors and styles, as heroes, bringing something beautiful to life to accentuate our already-beautiful homeland. I began as a little girl making little trinkets, and as I grew older, I became more engrossed in the craft, fascinated as I was not only by the experience of African bead-making, but also by the history of it, particularly in my home country of Ghana.
In Ghana, people have crafted beads and bead jewelry for millennia. They have been used as everything from currency and religious ritualistic accessories in bygone centuries to tourist attractions and fashion statements in more modern times. Ghanaian beads have been used as ballast on slave ships, then offered in exchange for expensive, exotic foreign goods once ships made port, states Garbe Mohammad, a fourth-generation bead merchant whose entire livelihood has depended upon the bead trade. Garbe, who makes and sells Ghanaian beads all over west Africa, tells us that the African bead is making a huge comeback, and that they are more popular now than ever before, and in incredibly high demand.
Travel writers Fiona Graham and Iva Kubickova tell us that “Luckily, [Ghanaian beads’] popularity is growing again. They are getting more and more attention among collectors, jewelry makers, and everyone who loves and appreciates their captivating beauty – in and outside of Africa.” They have grown so popular, in fact, that a society of preservationists has sprung up in recent years to ensure that the tradition of the Ghanaian bead culture becomes immortalized for future generations. Graham states in an interview that “The history and heritage of Ghanaian beads are also protected by the Ghana Beads Society. The first of its kind in Africa, the society is dedicated to recording, preserving and promoting the culture of Ghanaian beads.”
This makes me very happy, indeed.
With such a rich and colorful tapestry of style. color, and materials from which to choose, it’s not hard to imagine how a little girl from Ghana might become fascinated by the myriad beautiful applications her childhood obsession could evolve into. Here at Oba Jewelry, I have always strived to provide the best quality jewelry, for both women and men, the most creative, beautiful, and exotic designs I could envision, all while maintaining this ancient and time-honored tradition and giving it the reverence it so richly deserves.
This is why we only sell authentic, hand-crafted Ghanaian bead jewelry, created with the hope that our own artistry might just inspire and make our customers feel better, prettier, more empowered, and closer to a culture they may not have previously known anything about, through their own desire to unravel the mystery of the origins of the pieces they so beautifully adorn with.
We hope you found this article helpful. Shop Our latest arrivals in authentic African beads, handcrafted to perfection! www.oba.jewelry